黄金金属性偏软,易变形难恢复,切勿用力挤压。 如接触含腐蚀性化学品(如铅、汞等) 会发生变色或出现色斑,不属于质量问题。
· Gold is a soft metal,it is susceptible to scratches, and dents. Avoid abrasives and chemicals such as chlorine and acid.
佩带后,用柔软湿布清洁便可。珍珠易刮花,适合单独存放,不可密封保存,不可与热水或含酸硷性,香水,漂白剂等化学品接触,易失去光泽。 避免使用家用清洁剂或热水清洗。
· Gently wipe pearls with a microfiber cloth to prevent scratches and to remove sweat, perfume, excess oils or dirt before putting them away.
· Pearls should be stored away from other objects or jewellery that may scratch their surfaces. Wrap the pearls in linen, soft cloth, or place in a soft pouch.
· Do not store pearls in an airtight package such as a plastic bag.
· Keep pearls away from chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, ammonia, hairspray, perfume.
· Avoid hot water and extreme heat.
钻石成分为高分子碳,具有吸油性,用一般稀释清洁液清洗便可。由于硬度高,钻石首饰应单独存放, 避免刮花其它首饰。
· Clean with warm soapy water & wipe away excess oil and dirt with a microfiber cloth.
避免使用超声波仪器清洗,避免使用家用清洁剂或热水清洗。 与其他珠宝分开存放,以免被其他材料划伤。